My life as I get older - Age, autism and wellbeing

Mentaur Group in co-operation with BILD
Date: 3rd February, 2012
Location: Manchester, U.K.

The Mentaur Group, along with The British Institute of Learning Disabilities (BILD) organised a national conference on the many issues surrounding autism and ageing. The event was developed under the premise that as we age, our needs change and, as people with autism age their needs change too.

The conference was held on Friday 3rd February 2012 at the Doubletree by Hilton hotel in Milton Keynes.

Quality research into these changing needs is sparse, but what there is confirms our need for a better understanding of these issues. Organisations and individuals involved with supporting older people with autism have few opportunities to enhance their understanding and knowledge of this subject.

This important national conference on autism, ageing and wellbeing provided exactly such an opportunity. The day included presentations from leading national figures in the field and practical workshops to share ideas and examples of good practice.

> Download the Conference Programme

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