Down Syndrome Awareness Week: Common Misconceptions about Down Syndrome
March 21, 2016
Monday 21st March marks World Down Syndrome Day as part of Down Syndrome Awareness week, from Sunday 20th March – Saturday 26th March. Here at Mentaur we have found there are still many misconceptions about Down Syndrome; to contribute to raising awareness this week, we’ve gathered some of the most common misconceptions together along with some helpful facts to aid understanding.
Myth: Down Syndrome is a rare genetic disorder.
Fact: Down Syndrome is one of the most commonly occurring genetic conditions, with approximately 1 in 1,000 babies born with Down Syndrome in the UK.
Myth: All people with Down Syndrome have severe learning and mental disabilities.
Fact: Whilst most people with Down Syndrome have mild to moderate intellectual needs, like all of us, individuals living with Down Syndrome have a varied wealth of strengths, weaknesses and talents.
Myth: Adults with Down Syndrome don’t leave home and are unemployable.
Fact: It entirely depends on the individual; many people with Down Syndrome move into their own home, have a job and live independently, whilst some need varying levels of support.
Myth: Down Syndrome is not treatable.
Fact: There is no cure for Down Syndrome, but there are countless treatments and ongoing research and study for new treatments relating to Down Syndrome.
Myth: People with Down Syndrome die at a young age.
Fact: With treatment and support continually improving, the average life expectancy of an individual with Down Syndrome is now 60, with many living beyond this expectancy too.
For more information about Down Syndrome Awareness Week, click here: