Rushwell House is a small residential care home for adults with locomotor problems, learning disabilities, autistic spectrum disorder, epilepsy, mental health needs and associated problems. The staff team at Rushwell House work from a person-centered approach when supporting each user of service.
Accommodation is provided in single rooms. There is good sized garden attached to the property. There is a separate entrance and living facilities for the two users of service on the lower ground floor.
The doorways on the ground floor have been widened to allow easier access for those using mobility aids, a ramp allows those with locomotor difficulties to enter the home as independently as possible, a stair lift is also available to the right side of the home to support those with locomotor difficulties access the bedrooms on this floor.
Rushwell House is located close to the centre of Rushden town and amenities including shops, recreational and leisure facilities. It is within reasonable distance of the major road routes of the A14, M1 and A1.
Rushwell House provides a service for adults of either sex seeking to improve their independent living skills who will be encouraged to aim to move on to more independent forms of living. For those unable or unwilling to do so the home is able to provide a medium or long term care service.
Rushwell House Semi-independent Unit
Rushwell House's semi-independent area allows you to live independently while benefiting from the support of trained care home staff. You may choose to make this your home or to work towards moving into completely independent accommodation.
Read more about Rushwell House Semi-independent Unit.
The home users of service can also benefit from a full day opportunities resource centre. For further reading refer to our day services options available.
Learning Disabilities; Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD); Mental Health; Older people; Younger adults; Physical disabilities