The Avenue is a specialist-supported living service specifically designed to support young adults with learning disabilities, mental health needs and autism. The home provides accommodation for six adults of either sex in large single bedrooms. The two ground-floor bedrooms are suitable for people with locomotion difficulties.
The Avenue is close to Bedford town centre and provides easy access to mainstream community services, such as shops, leisure facilities and recreational amenities. The location enables people using the service to participate in their own local community.
As an individualised service, at The Avenue, Mentaur Support Services Division promotes the concept of person-centred care, adopting the ethos of freedom and choice and promoting independence by supporting transition. To this end, we enable people using the service to have greater control over their own spaces and develop skills of independence including managing their accommodation and finances within the context of a supportive environment.
Learning Disabilities; Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD); Mental Health; Older people; Younger adults; Physical disabilities